Assault, assault with a weapon, intentionally causing serious injury, threat to kill
Drink driving, drug driving, speeding, driving while disqualified, driving while suspended, unlicensed driving.
Trafficking, drug use, possess drugs, cultivating, possessing, using drugs, clandestine laboratories, meth labs.
Indecent assault, rape, sexual assault, indecent exposure, incest, sexual penetration of a child under 16.
Shoplifting, theft from employer, bank fraud, centrelink fraud, obtaining property by deception.
Social Security Fraud, Transmitting illegal material, People Smuggling, Human Trafficking.
Magistrates Court, County Court, revocation of bail, conditions of bail reporting to police.
Possess a firearm, unregistered firearms, possess a longarm, prohibited person in possession of a firearm.
Murder, manslaughter, culpable driving, defensive homicide, negligent manslaughter.
Intervention Orders, applying for an intervention order, defending against an intervention order.
Domestic violence and family violence are a particular category of violent crimes and often involves allegations of threats to assault and allegations of assault.
White collar and corporate crimes, with a particular focus on individual white collar crime, such as embezzlement and fraud, and crimes involving small-to-medium businesses.
Children’s Court - Criminal Defence Lawyers, Criminal Children’s Court Defence Lawyers Melbourne
Both WorkCover and the TAC have substantial resources to investigate alleged overpayments or payments to people who they say are not eligible.
Advice from a competent and experienced criminal lawyer before you are interviewed can and often does have a meaningful impact on the outcome of your case and in some instances, is the difference between whether your matter proceeds to court or not.