03 8622 8200

Commonwealth Matters

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We have extensive experience in cases arising out of Commonwealth and International Legislation, such matters include:

  • Social Security Fraud

  • Transmitting illegal material

  • People Smuggling

  • Human Trafficking

  • International Fraud

  • Foreign Powers and Corporations

  • Corruption and Bribery

  • Transnational and Organised Crime

  • Terrorism.

At Stary Norton Halphen our criminal lawyers deal with Commonwealth matters on a daily basis. Some of the matters we have worked on and continue to work on are high profile. Many are not.

All our clients are important to us and rely on our expertise in these matters to guide them in achieving the best possible result. We would be pleased to help you with any enquiries you may have.

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Our Offices

Advice from a competent and experienced criminal lawyer before you are interviewed can and often does have a meaningful impact on the outcome of your case and in some instances, is the difference between whether your matter proceeds to court or not.

For urgent after hours advice call
(03) 8622 8200